Michael W. Jenkins Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
- The Dr. Donald and Ruth Weber Goodman Professor of Innovative Cardiovascular Research
- Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering & Pediatrics
- Director of the School of Medicine Light Microscopy Imaging Core (SOMLMIC)
Dr. Jenkins received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University. Since 2014, he has been a Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering & Pediatrics, Case Western Reserve University.
Email: mwj5@case.edu
Office: Wood Bldg. WG28
Phone: (216) 368 1488 (Office)
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics/ Neonatology/ Cardiology at University Hospitals of Cleveland
Email: stephanie.tarkowsky@gmail.com
Stephanie received her MD from Case Western Reserve University in 2009. She is currently studying how hemodynamics impact heart development.
James Seckler Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Email: jms92@case.edu
I received my PhD in biophysics from Case Western Reserve University. My current research involves the detection of small molecule S-nitrosothiols (SNOs) and studying their role in various disease models including sepsis/septic shock and opioid addiction. I am working with Dr. Stephen Lewis to develop a novel class of thiol ester compounds as a drug to prevent opioid induced respiratory depression and dependence without affecting analgesia.
Maryse Lapierre-Landry Ph.D.
Post Doc
Email: mlapierrelandry@gmail.com
Maryse received her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Vanderbilt University in 2018. She is currently developing data processing algorithms for 3D microscopy using vessel segmentation, deep learning and spatial statistics. Maryse is a recipient of a 2020-2021 American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Yehe Liu M.S.
Post Doc
Email: yxl448@case.edu
Yehe received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from CWRU. He is currently developing optical clearing techniques and imaging systems to visualize structural/molecular expression over large fields of view.
Matthew T. McPheeters M.S.
Post Doc
Email: mtm44@case.edu
Matt received his PhD in BME from CWRU in 2021. He is currently developing high-speed imaging systems to image nerve activity in the cornea.
Junqi Zhuo M.S.
Graduate Student
Email: jxz624@case.edu
Junqi received his MS in Biomedical Engineering from Peking Union Medical College in 2015. He is currently working on developing implantable devices for infrared neuromodulation.
Chaitanya Kolluru M.S.
Graduate Student
Email: cxk340@case.edu
Chaitanya received his MS in biomedical engineering from CWRU in 2018. He is currently working on developing a block-face imaging system to visualize tissue microanatomy over large regions. Prior to joining CWRU, he has worked as a software engineer for Philips Healthcare in India.
Junwoo Suh B.S.
Graduate Student
Email: jxs1663@case.edu
Junwoo received his BS in biomedical engineering from Washington University in St. Louis in 2018. He is currently working on 3D multiplexed fluorescence in situ hybridization.
Eric Lu B.S.
Graduate Student
Email: eyl43@case.edu
Eric received his BS in Mechanical Engineering and Cognitive Neuroscience from Washington University in St. Louis in 2021. He is currently a 1st year PhD student in the Jenkins Lab.
Jordan Smith B.S.
Graduate Student
Email: jjs268@case.edu
Graduated in 2021 from Gannon University with a BS in Biomedical Engineering. Played varsity football for Gannon University for five years. Currently a first year PhD student.